Umpire4Fun umpiring opportunities this year will be on Saturdays, with Under 8, Under 9 Mixed, Under 9 Girls, Under 10 Mixed and under 11 girls all playing games mostly on Saturdays but also at times on Friday nights
How would you like to assist your club and get paid for it, and in doing so learn great life skills?
We have a number of Junior Football umpiring positions available for the 2024 season which we invite you to apply for. You don’t need to have experience as we will train you. You will be umpiring the modified games played by the under 8’s through to under 11’s Girls. You don’t need to have elite fitness as these games are played on smaller modified ovals and with quarters lasting only 10 minutes each.
Your benefits
There are many great benefits undertaking the role of umpiring:
Match Payments
Umpires will earn $15 for matches where they umpire their own games and $10 each for jointly umpired matches...
What training is needed
There are three one-hour sessions in total:
Umpires need to attend 2 of the 3 sessions to be applicable for the successful completion of accreditation.
How do you register
For more information, you can email:
Once registered, we will provide further details or assistance with your on-line registration once that information has been made available from AFLQ.
We look forward to your interest.
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